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Suite à “Warning! Warning! Warning!”, un courrier d’interpellation adressé à Asher Intrater

Chers amis,
En même temps que je découvrais la stupéfiante démarche d’un pasteur israélien (Asher Intrater) faisant la promotion du message du pape, le Seigneur nous a clairement montré, après avoir parlé de cela sur ce site, qu’il était également de notre honnête devoir d’écrire à ce frère. Nous l’avons donc fait sur base de 1 Corinthiens 5 v11 qui nous recommande de ne pas avoir de relations avec les idolâtres.
Ci-dessous, voici la copie de notre courrier:
Dear brother,
As a few times from several months, I saw that you speak positively in your newsletters about the new pope Francis and his “opening” to the Jews and the Evangelical believers. I know that you are in contact with the Vatican, as well as several servants of the Lord in Israel, who visited the previous pope Benedictus the XVI in Roma.
Concerning the video of that message of Francis, I have to warn you about the fact that it is not biblical at all to have and encourage relationships with people who, declaring themselves brothers to the ones who profess believing in ALL the Bible, are in the same time idolatrous (please read 1 Corinthians 5 : 11).
You are not without ignoring, with a lot of other unacceptable things, that the catholic Church is still believing in Mary, as the Mother of God.
Do you know that this pope, when he took the place of the previous pope, prayed with him in Castel Gandolfo in front of the statue of Mary, above a Christ covered by a black veil ? Do you know that in October 2013 he took the statue of the virgin of Fatima in Portugal to Roma for two days, in vue of consecrating the whole world to Mary ?
Do you know that in the same time, from a few years, the Vatican has special prayer meetings with animists, gourous, muslims, etc. in vue of doing unity with them ?
How can you, as a spiritual leader, encourage the people of G-d, trusting in you as a Messianic servant in Jerusalem, supposed to give the teaching of the origins of the Church, to look for unity with a pope and a church who are persecuting the real believers from centuries, without repenting openly for that and who are lying constantly concerning a supposed love in Christ that they want to share with everyone ? It is the great seduction ! As servants we have a great responsibility… We have to remember that Love has to do with Truth and only with that.
I plublished on our work’s website the video that you published on yours and I added a commentary about Roma’s strategy that I observed from 30 years, when serving in the ministry, in vue of seducing the Evangelical Christian believers. Roma and all the people that she succeeds to seduce in these end times will be part of the great prostitute of Revelation.
Any serious teacher of the Bible knows that. So I send you my commentary in the following file. It is in French but you have several people around you who can translate it to you easily.
My intention is only to warn you concerning your spiritual options and the harms that will result for the body around you.
May G-d bless You.
Haim Goel

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