For our English-speaking friends who visit the site. A message from Haim Goel: Sacrificial love is the key to a lasting awakening
Sacrificial love is the key to a lasting awakening L'amour sacrificiel est la clé pour un réveil durable - Haïm Goël - 27.07.2024 To have English subtitles, click on the…
Haïm Goël8 septembre 2024
For our English-speaking friends who visit the site. A message from Haim Goel: What is your spiritual lineage? Cain or Abel, son of the devil or son of God?
Haïm Goël's messages in english
What is your spiritual lineage? Cain or Abel, son of the devil or son of God? Quelle est ta lignée spirituelle? Caïn ou Abel, fils du diable ou fils de…
Haïm Goël8 septembre 2024
Silence, but strength, greatness and goodness of G-d….
Haïm Goël's messages in english
You have noticed that we have been stingy with articles in recent days... The cause is truly positive, it is a major spiritual upheaval which crosses us from side to…
Haïm Goël30 août 2024
For our English-speaking friends who visit the site. A message from Haim Goel: Warning: there is no such thing as awakening without persecution – Haim Goel – 22/06/2024
Haïm Goël's messages in english
Warning: there is no such thing as awakening without persecution - Haim Goel - 22/06/2024 To have English subtitles, click on the video subtitles icon, then on the gear wheel…
Haïm Goël17 juillet 2024
For our English-speaking friends who visit the site. A message from Haim Goel: Do you know the hidden meaning of the washing of the feet? Haim Goel – 08/06/2024
Haïm Goël's messages in english
Do you know the hidden meaning of the washing of the feet? Haim Goel - 08/06/2024 To have English subtitles, click on the video subtitles icon, then on the…
Haïm Goël17 juillet 2024
For our English-speaking friends who visit the site. A message from Haim Goel: God transcends time and space, what about me?
Haïm Goël's messages in english
To have English subtitles, click on the video subtitles icon, then on the gear wheel (parameters) and select automatic translation and choose “English God transcends time and space, what about…
Haïm Goël28 juin 2024
For our English-speaking friends who visit the site. A message from Haim Goel: Beware the spiritual abyss of false signs and wonders…
Haïm Goël's messages in english
To have English subtitles, click on the video subtitles icon, then on the gear wheel (parameters) and select automatic translation and choose “English Beware the spiritual abyss of false signs…
Haïm Goël23 juin 2024
For our English-speaking friends who visit the site. A message from Haim Goel: Glory and then a fall? It’s not far from the Capitol to the Tarpeian Rock
Haïm Goël's messages in english
To have English subtitles, click on the video subtitles icon, then on the gear wheel (parameters) and select automatic translation and choose “English Glory and then a fall? It's not…
Haïm Goël23 juin 2024
For our English-speaking friends who visit the site. A message from Haim Goel: After the cry: Church, pay your debt… the judgments (Isaiah 34) – Haim Goel
Haïm Goël's messages in english
To have English subtitles, click on the video subtitles icon, then on the gear wheel (parameters) and select automatic translation and choose “English After the cry: Church, pay your debt...…
Haïm Goël19 juin 2024
For our English-speaking friends who visit the site. A message from Haim Goel: It is now possible to directly access messages from Haim Goel and other speakers translated into English and other languages on the site.
Haïm Goël's messages in englishLève-toi !
Dear friends, We are very happy to see the number of non-French-speaking visitors to the LEVE-TOI / ETZBETZION site growing more and more in the USA and elsewhere in…
Haïm Goël11 juin 2024
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