NOUVEAUTÉ / NEW – Inseparable – The N° 1 give the principles, the N° 2 magnify them !
Haïm Goël
E-book – Papier




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The N° 1 give the principles, the N° 2 magnify them !

Numbers One and Numbers Two are identities and destinies as unique as they are admirable and complementary. Eternally, in indescribable glory and at the beginning of all, there is IOD HE VAV HE, our G-d an eternal N° 1. In Eden there was also Lucifer, the first N° 2 created (Lucifer, bearer of divine light, of divine glory). The absolute N° 1, the Eternal, our Lord, holds from all eternity all the principles and capacity of the orders of life of all natures. And all this was and remains exalted in unparalleled glory. Lucifer, N° 2, was a beholder and blessed angel to behold fully the glorious manifestation of the principles of the Lord. He was saturated because he was created to MAGNIFY these principles of the divine. Lucifer magnified, carried to absolute spiritual incandescence the principles of life graciously revealed by the Lord. In this, G-d who desires to share His glory was manifested in boundless goodness. It is thus here that the first manifestation of a relational principle appears, which will then be laid at the base of everything in creation. Male N° 1 and female N° 2, parents N° 1 and children N° 2, the eldest child and the second child, the masters and servants, the leaders of nations and peoples, etc.
One sad day, the immense goodness of the G-d Father was betrayed by lust, and Lucifer sought to steal the position of N° 1, although he had neither the resources nor the spiritual identity.
We know the rest: Lucifer was rejected with a third of the angelic world away from the face of the Lord. This is where the drama of Satan begins… and ours. Lucifer, the marvelous archangel who became Satan, did not conquer the position of the absolute N° 1 but, worse, he lost his position of N° 2. Satan then sank into a dizzying fall of his identity which condemned him for the only desperate activity to reproduce in creation his own crisis, for «there was nothing more to do». Terrifying destiny. A fall! And what did Satan do ?
He visited a duo N° 1/N° 2: Adam and Eve. And addressing N° 2, the woman (and not N° 1, Adam), made to magnify the principles of life taught by G-d to her husband, he placed her in the artificial position of N° 1 which dragged her into a fatal debate… (Genesis 3:1-5). A VERY CONTEMPORARY scenario, see the disappearance, the gradual atomization of the masculine and the rise of an increasingly aggressive feminism…


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Haïm Goël
E-book – Papier