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Fascinating documentary tells the story of the British Empire’s betrayal of the Jews

By 27 juin 2016mai 3rd, 2020Etz Be Tzion

The Turkish Empire ruled the Holy Land for more than 400 years. But, in World War I, when Allied armies stormed through the Sinai Peninsula and overthrew the Turks, the British Empire took over Jerusalem and the are of the Holy Land.

Although Britain promised the Jewish people a national home, in the ensuing 30 years, the leaders of the British empire did not keep their promises to the Jewish people time and again.

The culmination of the betrayal of the Jewish people was the White Paper which severely restricted immigration of Jewish people into the Land of Israel.

Who knows how many Jewish people could have been saved if there had been a national home for the Jewish people when WWII broke out.

Published: June 27, 2016

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