Shalom Elisheva, I was blessed in hearing the L-rd’s hand in helping you and your friend in your car – with Angels! Thank you for sharing your testimony and how you are sharing His love and truth with the store clerk or pharmacist. A few days after watching your Shabbat service and hearing your testimonies, I had a miracle in my car..
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Envoyé : lundi 13 janvier 2025 à 23:58:25 UTC+2
Objet : God’s miracles
Shalom Elisheva,
I was blessed in hearing the L-rd’s hand in helping you and your friend in your car – with Angels! thank you for sharing your testimony and how you are sharing His love and truth with the store clerk or pharmacist.
A few days after watching your Shabbat service and hearing your testimonies, I had a miracle in my car — I believe our faith increases when we hear our friends’ touched by His miracles. Thank you ! I was going over a bridge and had no idea there was black ice or a sudden wind. But an angel fought the wind and set my car from drifting off into a ditch in the cold. An hour later I was still a bit shaken and a complete « stranger » bought me a coffee. My entire week was altered because of these events! Praise the L-rd!
Two months ago, a very large male deer – a buck — ran into our car. It was in the middle of the very dark street at night and very cold. . It destroyed the car, sadly. We were not getting any help and stranded far away from any town. Until I called my new believing friends for prayer who were hours away. There was no cell phone service but my text got through. . The Holy Spirit moved 4 people with the « how to » rescue us !. One miracle happened after another because they immediately prayed in agreement. Within an hour we were rescued from the cold and after another hour we were driven to a place of refuge!
Thank you for blessing the world with your faithful messages! It is hard to know how we are effecting people on the internet, but it is working!
Shalom and love to you both in our L-rd!
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