Please DO NOT STAY QUIET + SHARE THIS with your people! Purvi’s today,march 18,2014 shows us step by step, HOW SERIOUS is the situation:does Revelation 13:4 talk to you? Are you aware of what is going on? Are you familiar with SHARIAH FINANCE topic???
Is your heart concerned by this story? A pastor is going to jail for 60 days for holding services in his home!!!
To understand this video in full context please see:
- Antichrist Obama the al-mahdi, The False Prophet Pope Francis , Islam , Prophecy in the News :
- Obama’s Muslim agenda–Biblical prophecy in the News updates:
( Description: Bible Prophecy reveals the Antichrist rises out of Jerusalem. This is confirmed in the prophecy from the book of Daniel 2,7,8. The Antichrist is referred to as the « fourth beast »/ »king » in Daniel 7:7, the »First beast » in Revelation 13:1-2, and the « little horn » in Daniel 7:7-8 and Daniel 8:9. The Antichrist is the Al-Mahdi of Islam who will lead an Islamic Caliphate with Jerusalem as its capitol):…
For article links from this video, scroll down towards bottom of this page to « RELEVANT LINKS COVERED IN THIS VIDEO »
Our Radio Broadcast « Eye of the Storm » airs Tuesday nights from 7-8pm PST which can be found at . Click blue « follow » button to get email reminders and links about broadcasts. Can’t make it live? No problem. Archives for all broadcasts can be found at our website
We have begun posting articles as they come up unto facebook at as well as on my facebook ( Purvigiggle InChrist) found at this link:
If you do not know Yeshua Ha Mashiach ( Jesus Christ) as your Lord and Saviour personally, it is not too late! He is the only thing secure to hold on to in this changing and increasingly wicked world. He is the only one by no other name, can a person be saved. Turn to Him in your private time and seek Him. Give your life to Him and ask forgiveness of your sin, and repent of your sins. He knows our heart. Ask Him to help you and be your Lord and Saviour! Ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit 🙂
1 John 1:9 « If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. »
Romans 10:13 « For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. »
John 3:16 « For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. »
Much much love to you all! God bless you all!~
- White House: Chemical arms used in Syria, US to arm rebels:
- Arcapita’s novel sharia bankruptcy plan approved:
- US Court Approves Sharia Bankruptcy Plan — No Separation of Mosque & State:
- Vatican Says Islamic Finance May Help Western Banks in Crisis:
- White House welcomes Shariah finance specialist:
- Pastor Going to Jail for 60 Days for Holding Services In His Home: