NOUVEAUTÉ/NEW – EHAD (english version)
Haïm Goël
E-book – Papier

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In this book and in an amazing spirit or revelation, Haim Goel conveys a profound outlook (according to Jewish, and not Greek, norms) and answers to some of the most acute problems of our times, including the couples’ crisis, absentee fathers, the young people’s identity claims, the spirit of Jezebel, the Queen of Heaven, etc.
Haim is married with four sons. He is the founder of EHAD, a non-pyramidal communion of ministries. He also founded Lève-toi! International and Etz BeTzion which are both driven by apostolic dynamics to work toward establishing local assemblies which are biblically maintained by elders established as an outcome of apostolic discernment and in obedience to the Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit). These assemblies take up the challenge of a total return to the roots of the Church, away from man-made structures and erroneous religious traditions of all sorts which were accumulated in more than 2000 years. They do not oppose law and grace, but live them out in utmost Biblical complementarity.
At the heart of the concerns of this ministry, there is a mode of training that is called “training while walking”, which is aimed at disciples who are called to the Master’s service, to the ministry. This training follows the Jewish model used by Yeshua, Paul, Elijah, and many others before and after them. Another essential concern is shared with the elders and ministries within our fellowship: the legitimate and Biblical return to Jewish roots of the Church as the Mashiach’s body, in a spirit of continuous reformation.
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As I was in Naples, Italy, preaching the seminary on the couple based on this book, I noticed the very flamboyant presence of a prostitute in the very midst of the men on the left side of the congregation. This was to happen during the three evenings which were dedicated to the seminary. During the last evening, when the call to repentance was made, this prostitute was the first to come forward with amazing resolution in spite of her provoking clothes. Facing the whole congregation, she declared: “I’ve understood at last the reason why I lived and drifted away as I did. I’ve understood my identity problem! I am not a woman, but a man who was totally transformed by total surgery. And so, I’ve been prostituting myself for years. Tonight, I want to forsake everything and give myself to Jesus. Will you please pray for me and tell me what I have to do?”  
I was awed and… perplexed. What was I to answer there, at that very moment, to this man whom surgery had turned into a woman, and whose face had become a woman’s face through a spiritual mask? The Lord’s only answer was to ask me to close my eyes, to lay my hands on the poor man’s shoulders, and to pray – and so did I. When I opened my eyes again, I saw a person who was becoming fully transformed.  The female mask was gradually vanishing from his face and, under a veil of abundant tears, a man’s face was coming back… from afar. It happened in 1994 in Italy.

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Haïm Goël
E-book – Papier